Cookie Policy

This policy (together with any terms governing use of our sites or our services) sets out the basis on which our website uses technologies, such as cookies, to distinguish you from other users of our website and to collect information. It should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy.

By continuing to browse the site or by indicating your consent by clicking the appropriate box when asked, you are agreeing to this Cookie Policy and to our use of cookies and other technologies the same or similar to those described in this policy.

In addition to any information that you choose to submit to us, we or selected third parties may use a variety of technologies that store or access information already stored on your device (such as on your browser, operating system, hardware, identifiers, mobile network information) whenever you visit our website. Your device is any device used to access our website such as a personal computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.

Information collection technologies

A few of the methods that may be used to store or access information already stored on your device include the following (and in future other technologies may be developed and you are required to check this policy regularly for any changes):

Cookies — a cookie is a small text file of letters and/or numbers that we store on your device when you visit our website, provided that you consent. Cookies can be temporary (e.g. session cookies) or permanent (e.g. persistent cookies). They can also be first party (e.g. placed by us) or third party (e.g. placed by a third party advertiser or advertisements server).

Strictly necessary cookies are required for the operation of our website

Analytical/performance cookies allow us to count the number of users and track your movement on our website

Functionality cookies are used to recognise returning users to personalise our website service

Targeting cookies record your visit to our website and information is used to display adverts that may be of interest to you.

Flash cookies (or locally shared objects) are data files placed on your device via the Adobe Flash plug-in that may be built-in to or downloaded by you to your device.

Anonymous identifiers

HTML5 cookies

Web beacons

Embedded scripts

Entity tags or ETags

Third party collection of information

This policy does not apply to applications (apps), technologies or sites that are owned by and/or operated by other parties (such as app developers, advertisers, publishers, ad servers or social networking sites), even if they use our technology to store or collect data from you. This includes third parties that embed our technology in their apps or advertisements to facilitate download tracking or advertisement serving. The relevant third party’s terms of use, privacy policy, permissions, notices and choices should be reviewed on their own website regarding their information collection, storage and sharing practices.

Your consent and your right to refuse the use of information collection technologies

We obtain your consent to our information collection technologies by providing you with transparent information in this cookie policy and providing you with the opportunity to make your own choice. You have the right to object to the use of information collection technologies. Regular cookies may be disabled or deleted, and in some instances can be blocked in the future, by selecting certain settings on your browser and device. You should seek guidance from the official websites or manuals relating to the browser or device or visit our “Do Not Track” section  of our GDPR Center. Some cookies we use are essential for parts of our website to operate, so please be aware that if you disable or delete these technologies some parts of our website may not work.

Specific Cookies

Cookies that Content Ignite stores on your visitor’s browser which expire automatically after 30 days:

Cookie Name



(Where XXXX is one of our advertising partners). These cookies are unique identifiers each partner uses to tailor their ads. With out this, premium partners are unlikely to serve up content.


This cookie is set when a user opts out of our ads, via our opt-out widget. When this is set, all other cookies are cleared. The value is simply set to “1” and in doing so, prevents our applications from generating any new cookies.